March 20, 2022March 21, 2022Hong Kong Court Stays Proceedings Even When They Are Not Covered by an Arbitration Agreement MAK V LA [2022] HKCFI 285. NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 19, 2022March 21, 2022Enforcement Order Refused as No Arbitration Agreement or Required Notice NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 18, 2022March 21, 2022Economic Weakness of a Party & Validity Concerns in International Commercial Arbitration NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 17, 2022March 21, 2022Review of An Arbitrator’s Award Based On ‘Gross Irregularity’ Or ‘Exceeding of Powers’ NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 16, 2022March 21, 2022Air Conditioning Distribution Dispute Frozen Out of Arbitration NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 14, 2022March 14, 2022Combating Dilatory Conduct and Non-participation in Arbitration Proceedings – The Delicate Balance NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 12, 2022March 14, 2022Examining the Validity of Asymmetrical & Optional Arbitration Clauses NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 11, 2022March 14, 2022Can the Seat of Arbitration Be Shifted by The Parties? India Supreme Court Clears the Air NICArb ADR Developments0 comments
March 10, 2022March 14, 2022Chinese Investor Succeeded in Investment Arbitration Against Nigeria: Zhongshan Fucheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd -V- Federal Republic of Nigeria NICArb ADR Developments0 comments