Employers and employees are being encouraged to use third-party mediation to resolve workplace disputes and disagreements. Alternative dispute resolution has become the safest way to handle conflicts that could otherwise lead to dismissal.
However, it should only become an option if the situation cannot be avoided. When you find yourself in a situation where there’s a conflict, usually one of the things you can do at first is to try to stay clear of it…Sometimes it gets to a stage where you have to confront the issue but don’t take the word confront out of context. Confront the issue, not the individual.
Finding a neutral third party provides the assurance that discussions will be held objectively, which makes it a better option than including the management of the company which may not want to appear to be taking sides. The solution has often revealed the source of the conflict to be irrelevant. In the majority of instances, the source of the conflict was never real, it was imagined.